But first... 

Take our infamous (& free) digital marketing analysis:

Answer 9 easy questions & you'll learn more in 4 1/2 minutes than you have since being with your current marketing company.

3 Things That May Be On Your Mind...

1. Why Should You Believe Me?

2. Why Is Mader Marketing Better?

3. Who Am I?

Let's take the last question first...

Who Am I?

I was a former Vivial customer.   (More about that in a second)...

First, let me tell you what I'm NOT:

I'm not a "large digital marketing company pretending to be a small company."

I'm not a get rich quick internet scammer trying to "put one over on someone".

I'm not an inexperienced graphic web designer who declared themselves a marketing expert overnight.

I'm not some schlep who signs onto Chat GPT and uses AI to design marketing for their customers.

I'm not a salesperson or affiliate of an SEO software company based in a foreign country.

I'm not a telemarketer who lies through their teeth telling you they are "Google."


I'm just a regular guy who lives in Ohio...

(Funny looking guy on the far left is me,  w/ family  at   daughter's  college.

Scott Mader & family at University Of Dayton.
 Meet The Parents night.

I'm a regular guy, except for the fact that...
  • I have extensive digital & local marketing experience dating back to 2005.
  • Myself and small team are master copywriters - who know how to sell things when writing.
  • We are extremely talented at Google Ads management.
  • Our SEO system of article writing, submission and keyword research is thorough and exhaustive.
  • I know how to discover your Unique Selling Proposition so that we can position you as the best alternative in your local market.
  • We set up systems to regularly reach out for ongoing two-way communication with all of our clients (that's OUR job not yours).
  • We don't just build great looking websites, we build great looking websites that are mobile friendly, fast, have a call to action and convey the personality and unqiueness of our unique clients.
  • Out of college I built a commercial small business by FIRING VIVIAL, and mastering Google and Google Ads.
  • From 2006-2009, I developed a unique consulting business and helped small business owners with my virtual marketing department concept. The local Chamber Of Commerce and the SBA referred small business owners to me. Plumbers, painters, lawyers, etc. turned over their local & digital marketing to me for management. We FIRED their large digital marketing companies and I started making money for them immediately.
  • From 2010- 2020 I developed a reputation as one of the top local store marketing consultants for individual franchisees in the United States. I was retained by franchisor corporate companies such as Marcos Pizza, Planet Fitness, Buffalo Wings & Rings and more.
  • Finally in 2020, my passion all came together and I created the blueprint for MADER MARKETING, a digital marketing agency built for small business owners.
(Compare that list above with your current "large digital marketing company")

The Mader Marketing story.

I Know Your Pain. I've Been There.

As a 22 year old marketing punk fresh out of college, I took a corporate marketing which resulted in me butting heads with managers who insisted that it was never the job of the marketing division to sell anything.

They said that selling was the sole responsibility of the sales department.

The marketing people could play ping pong all day, and hammer a few slogans out on our I-Mac's. There was always a three way adversarial relationship between the client, the sales people and the marketing people.

The bottom line in this crazy relationship was the clients were paying for this nonsense. Sometimes to the tune of 100,000 dollars or more per year.

I knew then, instinctively that when a small business owner spends a dollar for marketing, that dollar should return with friends attached. It wasn't just the fault of the sales staff.

I've been where you are, dealing with a large digital marketing company.  

So after quitting 2 marketing jobs in 2 years, I left my Dilbert Cube of office politics and corporate bulls*&t  to do my own thing. At the insistence of a close friend I ended up starting a commercial cleaning franchise in Cincinnati, Ohio.

This is where my REAL marketing education started.  I earned my street marketing MBA quickly.

My biggest expense was local digital marketing and this horrible book called the Yellow Pages.

The Berry Company, Vivial, Ruben Donnelly, The Real Yellow Pages, YellowBook, Thryv- the companies always kept changing names and changing my representatives to keep me off balance, I guess. These companies are not bad companies or dishonest in any way- they just didn't provide the personal partnership I needed so I could go back to running my business, and not have to micro-manage my digital marketing!

In the first two years of my cleaning business I spent over $50,000 trying to corner the local market. Thinking back to the wasted half page and full page ads I was talked into- I cringe.

The friendly yellow page reps kept urging me to "develop my branding" and "keep my name out there", and "just have patience", and eventually I would wake up one to day to discover I had an 80% market share. No, not so much.

Finally, the straw that broke the camel's back was when these companies entered into the new and emerging online advertising space. Fortunately, I had trained myself well with Google Ads, SEO and website development.

I didn't need their electronic yellow page ads online. And I certainly didn't need to see my ads grouped next to all my competitors. That seemed stupid top me.

The day I fired my large digital marketing company.

It was a beautiful, crisp fall Monday morning day. I'll never forget the look on my new Yellow Page Online sales reps face, when I told him I was cancelling all digital and print advertising. 

He actually laughed at me and said I would regret not getting onboard with the online YP advertising, as he loaded his case into his red Ford Focus and sped away.

Best day of my business life. My "Burn Your Ships" moment, which you'll read about below.

Here were a few of the maddening frustrations I remember. Any of them feel familiar to you?

Your current digital marketing company doesn't work with you to distinguish your  company from your competitors. This takes a lot of individual time and organization. Large digital marketing companies are not wired for this.

Again, these large companies are in the volume business. Their account reps don't have time allocated for your individual marketing strategy. 

It's no accident that you may experience  constant employee turnover of account reps from your large digital marketing company.

Let A Seinfeld Episode Demonstrate Why You Need To Take The Opposite Approach

For you Seinfeld fans... remember the scene with Jerry, George and Elaine in the diner?

George realized that he should start taking the opposite approach in life.  Jerry remarked to George. "If every instinct you have is wrong, then the opposite would have to be right."

As funny as this was, there is some pointed truth in your situation.  If large digital marketing companies, who have no ability to provide you with the personal, 1 to 1 agency service that I can provide to you, wouldn't you be well advised to consider the opposite approach to your digital marketing?

Why Is Mader Marketing Better?

I had an idea.

The Power Of The "Ad Agency Of Record" Model
Brought To Your Small Business

1960 advertising agency of record

You Run Your Business. We'll Run Your Digital Marketing.


Until now, the concept of an agency of record  has been the exclusive province of large corporations. The Nike's and Microsoft's of the world hire one main marketing company to represent them and control all of their multiple marketing channels, branding and purchases.

At its core, an agency of record is about building a long-term relationship with your advertising partner. You want a partner who takes the time to fully understand your industry, your business, and your market—and perhaps most of all, your brand.

Does a small business owner need an Agency Of Record?

Up until 2005, probably not. Small business owners could manage running some advertisements in various local publications. But when Google took over the internet search landscape- everything changed.

Small, local businesses have to keep up with a TON of digital marketing information and they must be extra sharp at branding themselves so they can compete with every other business online.

Imagine the difference it would make to you & your business to have a digital marketing agency partnering with you, understanding you, and
allowing you to stop micro-managing your digital marketing, so you could go back to running your business.

Why Should You Believe Me?

I don't expect you to believe me yet.   Not at all

But if you're frustrated with your current digital marketing situation, I'm just asking you to take a few moments to check me out, and then maybe have a quick discovery phone call to see what happens.

Working with me is truly a partnership.

You and I may NOT be a good fit.  

Here are a few ways to check me out:

I'm a small business owner, just like you.

All that I am asking is that reach out to me for a discovery call.  Let's see if it makes sense for us to continue in any way. My email is   My mobile number is (513) 341-1112


Here are a few actual clients and case studies. I have 21 agency clients now and you can contact any of them.

I chose these just as a cross section of different types of business sectors. The common denominator with all my clients is that they were with a large digital marketing company.

Please feel free to reach out to the owners for a reference on myself and their opinion of leaving Vivial or Thryv and their experience with Mader Marketing.


This is a retractable awning company based in Orlando and now serves the entire state of Florida. 

A former Vivial customer, and owned and operated by Jamie Boval- reach out to Jamie for reference.  

Mader Marketing has been very instrumental in helping this company gain market share in Florida.

SEO composite score was a 12 with Vivial when we took over. Their SO score as of 3/15/2024 is now 67.  

I work with closely with Jamie and the amazing Boval family and manage Google Ads, Offline marketing, USP strategy and more.

We built his main website and multiple landing pages.

Feel free to reach out to Jamie Boval for a reference.

Website Link (will appear in a new window)-

Phone- (844) 629-6464


Another great company and great family, Art Evans & Sons Painters service Oxford, Ohio.

Another former Vivial customer who was determined to leave when Vivial went bankrupt and sol dout to Thryv.

After 2 brief meetings with Dawn Evans, the owner, it was obvious this company had a TON of unique advantages that Vivial never took the time to learn.

We immediately blew up their old "cookie cutter" website and put together a website that reflected their reputation in the Oxford area.

This company does all of the painting for the campuses of Miami University.

SEO composite score was a 14 with Vivial when we took over. Their SEO score as of 3/11/2024 is now 63, which is considered as excellent.  

Feel free to reach out to Dawn Evans for a reference.

Website Link (will appear in a new window)-

Phone- (513) 523-6425


Batman Enterprises was a Vivial / Thryv customer looking for an answer.

As luck would have it, one of the owners actually came to my home to help remove a hornets nest from a tree in our yard!

A conversation ensued and I found out they were with Vivial- and were not pleased with the lack of communication.

This company specializes in humane bat removal from homes and attics and they serve the entire Midwest.

I work closely as their new marketing agency of record and after building them a new website and multiple landing pages.. we have launched a Google Ads campaign as well.

Their overall SEO score when we took over measured as an 11. Today they are at a 64 thanks to our articles and work.

Feel free to reach out to Donna Castellucio, the owner, for a reference.

Website Link (a new window appears)-

Phone- (513) 600-3079


Lowitz Meier & Layer is a large and thriving dental practice in Finneytown, Ohio who need a reliable, skilled marketing function in their practice.

They were a Thryv client and were very frustrated with the fact they were constantly micro managing all of their digital marketing!

The constant turnover of marketing account managers at Thryv took valauble time away from them.

The SEO score we found was 9 when we started. Today that SEO score is 61.

As a full service agency provider we built a new website, provide Google Ads management, write articles, build links and meet regularly with the doctors to ensure that WE are running the marketing, while THEY can actually do what they do best.

Feel free to reach out to Dr Cameron Layer, or Dr Melissa Meier, for a reference.

Website Link (a new window appears)-

Phone- (513) 521-8900

Nothing matters if nobody finds you online.

A Few Recent Testimonials For MADER MARKETING, LLC

“Working with Scott Mader and his team has been life-changing. Over time our backs were up against the wall with Vivial, as change requests were ignored, among many other things. Scott and his team took their time to listen and understand our design needs and wants. Quickly they came up with a plan outlining the time frame and deliverables. In my opinion, Scott and his team exceeded expectations by delivering a world-class site before the deadline.

You are in good hands with Scott Mader.”



”The difference between where we were with Vivial and having a full time agency, while working closely with Scott is night and day. They have enabled me to start a new company in Florida and are also managing Google Ads and now Facebook Ads! Thanks for the great work!"



I've been a customer of Mader Marketing for over 2 years and have been very satisfied. Scott created my website and is always coming up with innovative ways to market my business and improve my standing on line with his SEO strategies. He's also very customer service oriented."



Scott is great for small businesses and does an exceptional job of leading marketing efforts while business owners can focus on their core competencies. He utilizes a variety of digital marketing tools and analytics to help us focus on the keys to growing our brand/business in the local marketplace. Highly recommend!"



Being a business owner for over 40 years, it’s rare to deal with a more caring business owner then myself, not to be big headed, but confident. Scott is unbelievable and goes the extra mile He has done two websites for me. Unbelievable, thanks again, Scott.



Scott has been very efficient in making sure everything on my website runs smoothly. He then asks tons of questions about my business & strategy!  Whenever there is an issue he is "johnny on the spot." I appreciate working with Scott very much.



Some Of The Services You Receive

  • Strategic Local Marketing Plan
  • Unique Selling Proposition Developed
  • Absolute Best Keywords
  • New Custom Website Created
  • Effective Internal SEO Bi-Weekly
  • One To One Consulting Monthly
  • Quarterly Website Changes
  • Monthly Marketing Email Reports
  • Full Agency Marketing Representation
  • Work With Your Established Budget
  • You Own All Creative & Digital Assets
  • 3 Mo. Plan-Then Month To Month
  • External And Internal SEO
  • Competitive Research & Strategy
  • Positioning Strategy (Cutting Edge)
  • Unlimited Website Changes
  • Lead Capture/Pop Up Technology
  • Google Ads Fee 1/2 Price
  • Email Drip Marketing Fee 1/2 Price
  • Blog Service 1/2 Price
  • Citation Directory Service 1/2 Price
  • Google My Business Optimization
  • Blog Service NO Charge
  • One To One Consulting Anytime
  • Citation Directory Service NO Charge
  • Email Drip Marketing Fee NO Charge
  • Cloud Hosting Website NO Charge

Having your own agency of record means:

  •  NO more communication issues
  •  BEING ABLE to exhale and go back to running your business
  •  A SIMPLE monthly retainer
  •  A TRUE MARKETING PARTNER creating marketing with you that works
  •  QUITE LITERALLY you will have your own virtual marketing department 
  •  A FRESH START  with: A new, SEO optimized website
  •   Your own client portal for communication
  •   Regular 1:1 meetings with me & my agency
  •   Development of your U.S.P. (Unique Selling Proposition)
  •   Multiple digital marketing and local marketing tools unique to us
  •   Google Business Profile setup & optimization (crucial)
  •   Google Analytics setup
  •   Google Search Console setup
  •   Exciting optional tools and strategies available if you choose          


Frequently Asked Questions

Can you easily transfer everything from my current company? Yes, absolutely. We have transferred 24 "ex-large digital marketing customers" in the past 19 months to our digital marketing agency.

What are your fees? Glad you asked! My objective here is to get away from bait and switch tactics of starting with an overpriced monthly rate and then adding in things later. We have a simple flat monthly rate that gives you everything you need from starting with an incredible new website, to SEO work, to full access to our personal agency of record.

Do you create a new website for my company? Yes, that is the first order of business since your website is at the heart of your digital marketing program. 

Can I contact your references? Some of the most recent references who came over from Vivial, Hibu, Reach & other large digital marketing companies are listed directly above, and you are encouraged to contact any or all of the owners to see what life is like since they switched to our personal digital marketing agency of record. Each of these wonderful business owners have become not only clients but friends!

I'm still confused- what makes your digital marketing company different? Vivial, Hibu, Rev, Reach and many other large digital marketing software companies provide access to digital marketing tools that your company can use. There's nothing unethical or wrong with that. But here's the have neither the time, nor the understanding to be able to skillfully and effectively IMPLEMENT digital marketing technology successfully on your own.

Your time, talent and treasure should be spent ON YOUR BUSINESS, not on trying to learn and implement digital marketing.

Is it possible for you to be your own digital marketing manager?  Yes, its possible to do that, and it's also possible for me to perform an appendectomy on my daughter if she ever needed her appendix removed, but it would probably make more sense to find a surgeon. 

What specific services do you provide? From a digital marketing perspective we are highly effective with:

  • SEO
  • Website development
  • Google My Business (Profiles, Maps, Reviews, etc)
  • Google Analytics
  • Google Ads Pay Per Click Camapaigns
  • Local Search Directories & Citations
  • A.I., ChatGPT Marketing
  • Video marketing & optimization (Youtube SEO)
  • Email marketing
  • Automation techniques
  • and more.

From a real, local marketing perspective (something you are not receiving now), we are highly disciplined in:

Strategic local marketing plans of action
Developing your Unique Selling Proposition (USP)
Establishing a two way communication method to keep your new marketing action plan on target
Creating methods to track and measure all results
Performing professional marketing consulting with you
Representing you as your digital marketing agency of record
Establishing a marketing budget for your new goals and expenses
and more.

A Final Word... Burn Your Ships

herman cortez

Hernan Cortez- Explorer. Conquered the Aztecs (we think)

In 1519, the explorer Cortez planned an invasion of the Aztecs, he only had a few hundred men and a few ships. The Aztecs were fierce fighters who outnumbered his men.  Cortez made a decision that he was not going to retreat or allow any of his men to retreat. The night that Cortez arrived on shore, he got all his men off the boats and then burned all the ships. The message was clear. We will fight and we will win because turning back is no longer an option.

Because turning back is no longer an option. That's a powerful motivator.

I remember vividly, one bright Monday morning in October when my Vivial rep. walked into my business. Without expressing any emotion I informed him I was pulling out all the digital marketing and yellow page ads and that I was bringing everything in house. I can still see the shocked look on his face as he put his large briefcase full of new sales material back into the trunk of his red Ford Focus and sped away.

That was my Cortez moment. I burned my ships.

I would never return to paying "large digital marketing companies" so they could simply keep piling more and more bright shiny objects onto my credit card.

MADER MARKETING- the only digital marketing agency of record was born, even though I didn't know it at the time.

I spent the next 2 years building and perfecting systems that would enable my cleaning company to take advantage of all the Google Ads and online SEO stuff I was learning.

It worked, I went from a 3 truck cleaning operation to 6 trucks and the leader in my market. I sold the business and started a local marketing consultant practice.

In the Cincinnati market I developed a reputation working with the Small Business Development Center (SBDC) and eventually branched out on a national level helping local franchisees develop their local market. I was contracted by franchise corporations such as Marcos Pizza, Planet Fitness, Buffalo Wings & Rings, and more.

A funny thing happened while I was travelling the United States and helping these franchisee business owners. Almost ALL of them were spending large amounts of money on - you guessed it- large digital marketing companies! Vivial, Reach, Hibu, etc.

My life's destiny came into clear focus. I stopped consulting and built my current agency, MADER MARKETING, the only digital marketing agency of record for small business owners.

You, my friend now have a chance to end the vicious cycle of sending off hard earned dollars to large digital marketing companies.

Instead - you can form a partnership with us and allow us the distinct privilege of helping you create your marketing message and then representing your company as we help you find more customers, who pay more money and do so more often.

Ready to burn your ships?

The Bottom Line

You are investing money each month into digital marketing services right now. On top of that, you are investing a lot of time and stress tracking down results for that investment!

Your business should exist to serve you. Not the other way around. You and your family have personal goals and dreams that your business can provide to you. 

Stop wasting valuable time and money trying to micro-manage your own digital marketing stuff. You can't do it. You can't master digital marketing on your own, it changes too rapidly.

You now have the ability to partner with your very own digital marketing agency of record. Dedicated to you and your unique business. I hope you take advantage of this opportunity.

Imagine having a partner on your side of the business, down in the trenches, who happens to have over 21 years combined experience in digital marketing and local store marketing.

We're not selling you digital marketing tools. We're not selling you a digital marketing program. We are offering you the ability to go back to your business and do what you do best.

We are providing you with results. Guaranteed results.

After all, with your expertise in your business and our local digital marketing expertise, how can we fail? We won't let you fail. 

Because your failure is our failure.

From Our Humor Dept.

A Poorly Run Google Ads campaign...

Copyright © 2022. All rights reserved. MADER MARKETING, LLC


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